
Welcome! I am

Jonathan Gusching

Artificial Intelligence Student | Mathematics and technology

Who am I ?

An AI engineering and science student

After a successful BSc in mathematics in which I was ranked 2nd best student, I am currently studying at ENSTA Paris, which is one of the top-10 selective graduate engineering schools (Grande Ecole). The curriculum is generalist, so I had the chance of studying multiple fields like fluid mechanics, mathematics, economics, etc. The final year is more specialised and I chose to study artificial intelligence.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 08/03/1999
  • Email : jonathan.gusching(at)

My Expertise


Data preprocessing, feature extraction.

Artificial Intelligence

Machine and deep learning, symbolic AI, knowledge representation, NLP, ...

Data Visualization

Using R or Python, web interactive visualization with D3js.

My Resume


May 2022 - August 2022

Research Intern

Research internship at LORIA, in Nancy, about the impact of the size of training dataset (EEGs) for kinesthetic motor imagery on a compact convolutional network (EEGNet) with and without data augmentation.

2021 - 2022

Online tutor

Helping undergraduate students from Institut Georges Charpak with their exercises and preparation to selective engineering schools entrance exams, mostly in mathematics.

July 2021

Worker Intern

Discovery of the professional world as a worker for a French hypermarket.


2020 - 2023

ENSTA Paris - French Grande école (generalist selective graduate engineering school) - Artificial Intelligence

Selective list of attended courses:

  • Mathematics: Optimization, statistics, statistical learning, information theory, operations research, theory of distributions
  • Computer science/engineering: Operating systems, parallel programming, architecture of microprocessors, OOP, C, C++, Python, Java, electronics, signal processing, theory of complexity, networks
  • Artificial Intelligence: NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Genetic algorithms, CSP, Data visualization
  • Physics: Quantum physics, fluid mechanics, linear elasticity

2017 - 2020

BSc in Mathematics

University of Lorraine - BSc in Mathematics with reinforced curriculum (classe préparatoire universitaire) adding more transversal and enlarging the range of courses.

Selective list of attended courses:

  • Mathematics: Calculus, numerical analysis, algebra, linear and multilinear algebra, Hilbert spaces and topology, probability, statistics, Lebesgue integrals, polynomial interpolation, theory of measure
  • Computer science/engineering: C and Python introduction, data structures, introduction to web development, discrete mathematics
  • Physics: Waves, quantum optics, mechanics, thermodynamics


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Linear Algebra
Data Visualization (D3Js, Matplotlib)
Project Management



A few words about myself

I like literature

I very often write short stories, essays in English and French and attend writing workshops.

I love History

In highschool, I was three times departmental laureate for "Concours National de la Résistance et de la Déportation". For this contest, some bibliography works were conducted in order to prepare the writing of essays about resistance during World War II.

I am learning to play the piano

I started the learning in January 2022 and am practising on a daily basis.

I am available for a 6-month internship from April 2023

My Projects

LiDAR point cloud segmentation
3D LiDAR Point cloud reconstruction and segmentation

Class project in 2022, still in-progress. The goal is to use semi-supervised learning to make semantic segmentations on Semantic KITTI data.

Turing Machine in C++

Turing Deterministic machine in C++.

D3js transport data visualization
Visualizing French public transports in D3js

For class, choosing and creating visualization methods for a chosen dataset (public transport delays in France).

Fractal generator using genetic algorithms
Fractal Generator

Class project in 2021. Generating fractals based on genetic algorithms using a feedback given by the user to produce the preferred fractals

Ray Tracing engine from scratch using C++ and OpenGL+shaders
Ray Tracing in C++/OpenGL/GLSL

Class project in 2022, available on Github

NES emulator from scratch in C
Game Boy emulator

Game Boy emulator in C from scratch.

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Eye scans segmentation

Segmentation of IOSTAR images using mathematical morphology

Latest News

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Currently looking for an internship!

By: Jonathan

As a final year ENSTA student, I am currently looking for a 6-month internship in AI-related fields, preferably in Ireland or in the UK. I am open to any proposition as I have been studying many different field of AI (machine learning, deep learning, etc.) and am very encline to discover new ways to use AI or to perfect my current knowledge.

Please contact me if you are interested as we can organize a video call anytime soon!